Back to our roots
Physical (and other digital) locations are opening again in 2023! This means there is no online jam on our platform this edition.
Instead, we’d like to refer you to any of the jam sites happening physically or online — you can find a list here! In the list below, we filtered private or invite-only jams.
Sites (currently all in-person) open to anyone (last updated 30 January):
- HKU, Utrecht
- Hogeschool van Amsterdam
- Chillings, Rotterdam
- Groningen
- Leeuwarden
- TU/e Game Dev, Eindhoven
- Sickhouse, Enschede

A what jam?
Game jams are comparable to hackathons, but for games. In under 48 hours, you create a game from scratch, including design, artwork, building and testing. Game jams revolve around inspiring one another, going crazy with experimental ideas and celebrating how wonderful game development is.
This event is part of the worldwide Global Game Jam community.
Stay tuned for more info on this national platform in the future.
The online game jams of GGJ NL in 2021 and 2022 were organised by Marianne Bossema, Freek van der Helm, Vincent Huisman, Thomas Jager, Kjell Neumann, Wietske Overtoom, Job Talle, and Jurgen Welschen.